Welcome to the Workers of England Trade Union


Public sector workers work £11bn of unpaid overtime a year, union says

Nearly two million public sector workers regularly work unpaid overtime, union says in response to chancellor’s suggestion public sector workers are ‘overpaid’.


Tribunal fees to be scrapped

Employment Tribunal fees, which were imposed on England by the British Government in 2013, have been deemed illegal by the Supreme Court.

Do you have a stammer? Have you ever wondered if anyone can help?

We have been asked by Shiver (part of ITV Studios) to help promote a documentary they are making following people with stammers as they undergo an intensive four day course that aims to help people manage their stammer.

Did You Know You Could Die From a Heat-Related Illness?

5 Ways to Recognise a Heat-Related Illness

In all heat-related illnesses, the symptoms appear when a person is exposed to extreme temperatures. The following checklist can help you recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses:

How pressure mounted on UK Government to lift Public Sector pay cap

The Conservative, Prime Minister will face fresh pressure today after a damning report showed the impact of public sector pay cuts after years of pay freezes. The Guardian reports that teachers have seen average pay fall by £3 an hour in real terms and police officers by £2 an hour and nurses wages are 14% lower.

Employees lack faith in Managers and Leaders

A recent article by HR News highlights how employees lack faith in Managers and Leaders of their organisations, this lack of faith is further enhanced when workplace trade union officials appear to work too closely with those same Manager and Leaders who employees lack faith in.

‘Unite the Union’ in turmoil after allegations the election for General Secretary was conducted Illegal?

Democracy was defeated in the recent ‘Unite the Union’ election as Len McCluskey sacks the challenger to his authority.

No Party Funding & No Political Affiliation = Members First

When the Trade Union becomes to involved with one particular political party then it is damaging to the members. Gerard Coyne, former Unite Leadership contender and former Regional Secretary, is correct when he said during the interview that a Trade Union should focus on an industrial agenda and not be so intrinsically linked to a political party. This is what the Workers of England Union is about. 

 Population growth sharpest in 70 years after ‘record’ migration levels puts squeeze on wages and Public Services

The Workers of England has campaigned for controlled immigration to the UK (especially England as it is the most affected by immigration levels) because of the impact it has on reducing employment opportunities and reducing your wages.

‘Downward spiral’: UK slips to 40th place in press freedom rankings

Journalists in the UK are less free to hold power to account than those working in South Africa, Chile or Lithuania, according to an index of press freedom around the world.

The Taylor inquiry will likely call for those on zero-hours contracts to be given the right to request fixed hours

HR and employment law experts have welcomed Matthew Taylor’s predicted call for those on zero-hours contracts to be given the right to request fixed hours, but sounded a note of concern around enforcement.

© The Associated Press

Armed police cordoned off  Manchester Arena after a terrorist attack killed 22 and injured over 50

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of those killed, injured and traumatised by last nights events in Manchester.”

Stephen Morris – General Secretary on behalf of all our members

Newly Qualified Nurses in NHS Scotland paid £300py more than Nurses in NHS England.

Scottish First Minister openly stated that newly qualified Scottish nurses earn £300.00 a year more than English nurses.

NHS England boss pledges to continue investing in general practice

Retaining good staff within the NHS should be a priority and their expertise and commitment to Health Care should not be lost to private Health firms

Please Sign our Petition if you agree with

‘Local Jobs for Local People’

Businesses tendering for local Government contracts should be made to hire people who live close to the place of work.

Employers should turn to overseas workers only when they face genuine skills or labour shortages.

The Workers of England Union has always maintained that uncontrolled, unregulated mass immigration lowers your wages. The following article highlights (with figures and stats) why we hold that view.

Councils cut services to pay staff £15m for trade union time.

Employees are automatically at a disadvantage when being represented by a Trade union who use work place reps, even more so when those reps are receiving vast amounts of money from the employer, making the whole process unfair and not  impartial.

The Workers of England Union only use external and therefore completely independent representatives. 

Doctors could be forced to work for NHS for at least five years under plans for ‘home grown’ expansion

It costs the taxpayer £230,000 to train a doctor, over and above fees paid by individuals. After having been trained a self-employed doctors can earn in excess of £100,000 a year.

ECJ considers holiday carry-over beyond sick leave

A worker’s annual leave can be carried over into the following holiday year if sickness absence prevents holiday from being taken. But what if a worker is prevented from taking leave for other reasons beyond their control?