The Workers of England Union
The Workers of England union campaigns on behalf of its membership on the following issues
The Workers of England union campaigns to stop racism
The Workers of England union stands against racism and any member expressing racist views will be excluded from the union. The St George flag does not belong to extremists and racists it belongs to England and the families of England. The Workers of England union sees the St George flag as a unifying flag. The Workers of England union will continue to use the St George flag as part of its logo as it believes it encourages community integration and a positive national identity. The Workers of England union believes just as Scotland, Wales have national holidays for their patron saint so should England. By encouraging and promoting St Georges day as a community and family day the union believes that people will reconnect with a positive society.
The Workers of England union campaigns to make St Georges day a bank holiday in England
The workers of England union believes that by promoting St Georges day as a government holiday and family day will be promoting a positive national identity, social inclusion and an integrated community
St Georges Day needs to be a bank holiday because a positive cultural identification will instil a sense of belonging, stability and acceptance of community spirited values.
The Workers of England union campaigns for the abolition of student fees.
The Workers of England union also believes in the abolition of student fees for English students. The Workers of England union is the union that stands out amongst the other unions in championing the skills that university students can bring to our industries.
The Workers of England union campaigns for an English parliament and against regionalisation of England.
In May 1998 the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly were created, a decade on has seen a transformation in not just in Scottish and Welsh politics and fortunes but how the public now interacts with the wider UK parliament.
Since then England has been broken into 9 regional areas without consultation. None of the regions have the equivalent power to the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly.The Workers of England union believes Democracy is at risk and a federal system for the UK needs to be on the political agenda. The Workers of England union believes we need a constitutional convention to produce a coherent constitutional arrangement that is fair and reasonable.
The Workers of England Union believes that the other nations within the UK should give England the same courtesy of democratic accountability as they have. Democratic equality should be extended to the people of England.
The Workers of England union campaigns for a referendum on European integration
The Workers of England Union campaigns to make sure that the people of England are given a choice about European integration. The Workers of England will endeavour to make sure its members voices are heard by our Politicians. The Workers of England union will establish a political fund (please see rule book for details) and the money will eventually be collected from our members monthly contribution. This money will be donated towards the political and non political organisations that are actively campaigning for an English Parliament and a referendum on European integration. Each member has a choice if requested to decide what fund they prefer to allocate there contribution. It might even make the prospect of European involvement more acceptable if England speaks for itself
Equal pay
Employment rights
An end to discrimination and harassment at work
The reinvestment of profits back into the English economy
The returning of call centres to England
The priority use of local skills where appropriate
The promotion and training of young people into the relevant skills needed for future development of the economy
If you would like to become involved in any of the above campaigns please call The Workers of England union office on 0161 883 2552