The Workers of England union’s campaigning is working and we thank the London Mayor for his commitment
A few weeks ago the Workers of England Union started a campaign to ensure that Bus Drivers have appropriate toilet facilities (More Time, More Toilets). As part of that campaign we started a government petition and have been in contact with various organisations, informing them of just how dire toilet facilities are for Bus Drivers, even managing to raise these concerns on national radio.
One of those we contacted was the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. It would appear our pressure has worked…
We received this reply from the London Mayor’s office (see below), in which Saqid Khan outlines how many routes across London require toilets and his commitment. The Workers of England thanks the London Mayor for taking our concerns seriously. However we need to keep this issue at the forefront of his mind. We have a long way to go on this issue and we will be working on other Councils across England to give us a firm commitment that they will be improving toilet facilities for Bus Drivers.
Stephen Morris, General Secretary for the Workers of England Union stated:-
‘Let’s be clear that it has been the Workers of England Union and its members that have put pressure on the London Mayor and we thank him for taking our concerns seriously. Although the Labour Mayor has stated that he is working with Unite on this matter it should be noted that Unite campaigned on this issue in 2007 and then apparently dropped it. Nine years have passed and the closing of public toilet facilities has made the situation worse. However, it is encouraging to see that Unite have once again recognised the importance of this issue, albeit with a little help from the Workers of England and Mr Khan.
This is his letter is to the Workers of England Union and we ask you to share our the link with colleagues
The Workers of England Union is available for interviews
Please call Stephen Morris on 0161 883 2552 or email
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