Challenge made to Unite the Union to show effectiveness
The Workers of England Union is a small, dynamic and progressive Trade union establishing a growing reputation for looking after its members better than the old traditional unions.
Our campaign team are issuing a challenge to the leadership of Unite the Union to show that their union is still capable of being effective and looking after its members and not just focused on their ambitions within the Labour party.
On the 22nd July 2015, one of our activists exposed two managers who were openly discussing how vulnerable Metrolink would be if an effective Trade Union went straight to the negotiating table. (To recap: These two managers talked about, in a public area, their concerns about ‘the system grinding to a halt’ due to staffing levels and having to rely on drivers working overtime and on their rest days. They were effectively saying that Unite had ‘the upper hand’ and didn’t need to go on strike. In fact, drivers only had to refuse to work on their rest days to cause chaos on the transport network, particularly during the football season).
Unite has been handed a ‘golden nugget of information’ by the Workers of England Union and need to act on it now! So Unite, are you going to use the information provided by the Workers of England Union’s activists and improve your members working conditions?
The following media outlets have covered the story, Please read the attached articles:
We are not asking Unite to thank us for our help, we are simply asking them to do the right thing for their members. We have given them a golden opportunity to improve staffing levels and the pay of their drivers. The Workers of England Union would have ‘loved’ to have been the recognised Trade Union at Metrolink because we are already fighting on behalf of our members. What more can we do to help Unite?
We have exposed the loose talk of Metrolink’s Management and we gave the information to the media so that staffing levels and Health and Safety concerns were highlighted.
Eddie Bone, President of the Workers of England Union said “So come on Unite! Be an effective trade union and don’t let your members and Manchester’s tram using public down.”
Eddie Bone
Workers of England Union
Mob: 07980 667 732
Office 01206 766 899
Twitter @WoEUnion
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