Press release – for immediate release
Dated 30th July 2015
Metrolink Managers’ loose talk may close Manchester Trams and cost Millions
On the 22nd July 2015 two Metrolink managers were overheard discussing damaging confidential information whilst on the Tram. Unfortunately for them a Trade Union activist from the Workers of England Union was sitting in front of them. What she heard would make any Trade Unionist’s ears ‘tingle’ as the information talked about in a public area was gifting any active Trade Union with the tactics that would potentially see their members pay improve!
Snippets from the conversation of those two loose talking managers would put a smile on most workers’ faces. As follows
They highlighted their company’s weaknesses
‘That they hadn’t got enough drivers’ and ‘that they were paying through the nose for overtime…’
‘even so relying on overtime and rest day working it’s not a sensible way to operate a network is it?…’
Then they highlighted the strategy and method that could bring the Trams to a halt
‘Particularly if there’s an industrial dispute and the drivers say right we’re going to work to rule and we’re withdrawing rest day working, overtime working, the system would grind to a halt really that’s…’
‘because it’s much more disruptive if there’s a strike… in some respects, … if they’re off they’re off; you can plan for it but you can’t plan for you know drivers not working their rest days and so forth…’
Then they highlighted the best time to undertake the industrial action
‘If UNITE, get they’re act together and realise that they could go on strike’..
because there waiting for the football season all those…. will say work to rule..
No more rest day working, no more rest day working and work to rule, you know it doesn’t you know…’
(Edited) .
Eddie Bone, President of the Workers of England Union, said, ‘If the Workers of England Union was the recognised Trade Union at Metrolink we would be instantly acting on that information to improve the working conditions of Metrolink employees’. The 1st game of the premiership is on the 8th August 2015, just one week away. Just imagine the mayhem if Metrolink drivers worked to rule. According to those Metrolink managers it would bring the ‘system to a halt’.
Eddie continued: “Maybe the Metrolink’s Managing Director, Chris Coleman should offer a pay increase before the football season starts or ‘Unite get their act together’(not likely?).
Eddie Bone
Workers of England Union
Video Link of the conversation is below
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